Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Minnesota and Disney on the Horizon

* If you are reading this blog, please be sure and read the update on the entry "Blessings" from May 25th *

Today, while Adam was at his Endocrinology appointment, Dr. Krantz and Dr. Lotze were meeting and conferring with a team of Doctors in Minnesota.  At the end of the endocrinology appointment (where Adam checked out well!) Mrs. Dianne (Social Worker) and Dr. Lotze's nursing coordinator notified Amber a decision had been made....   Dr. Paul Orchard has agreed to see Adam at Amplatz Children's Hospital in Minnesota and evaluate him for a possible stem cell treatment being offered to some children with advanced ADL. Plans are for him to be in Minnesota next week. Chris Brown Charity provided Southwest Airline tickets for Adam, Amber and Rollo to make travel possible.  They will be in Minnesota for 2 - 3 days where Adam will undergo extensive testing and evaluations.  This is an amazing opportunity with multiple challenges and concerns.

Dr. Lotze's office contacted Make A Wish and arrangements are in place for him to take his Disney trip either before or immediately following his trip to Minnesota.  This will be an awesome memory making trip for the entire family! 

There is no time to conduct a fundraiser, so we are asking people to consider how you might be able to help.  Below is a list of specific needs.  We are asking financial contributions be made in the form of Visa Gift Cards where possible.  The Pay Pal option is still available as well.

Financial Needs:  Please coordinate your donations with Lee Ann Lee if possible. 
Contacts: Cell: 832-573-1862 or email: leelee@fbccrosby.org or at FBC Crosby church office 281-328-2564.

1. Taxes on the airline tickets (approximately $90 per ticket x 3)
2. Meals. ($5 - $10 per person per meal depending on what is available.  3 meals per day for three people for 3 to 4 days. Consider sponsoring a meal or a day of meals)
3.  Rollo will be missing approximately 2 weeks of work between the trip to Minnesota and Disney.  Contributions above need for trip may be used to help offset his loss of income over this period of time.
4.  Transportation - taxi or rental car while in Minnesota.  Will need transportation to and from hospital and lodging. (varies)
5.  Lodging.  Hoping for a Ronald MacDonald House room to be available.  Will not know until later this week if this will be available and if so, at what expense.

* If the trip to Minnesota falls through for any reason, donations will be used for future needs.

Prayer Needs

1.  Pray for HOPE.  Pray for viable options to bring healing to Adam.  Pray for God's Divine intervention in the evaluation process.  Ask God to leave no doubt of His presence.
2.  Pray for wisdom in the decisions Amber and Rollo will have to make regarding potential treatments.  These options are not without risk and do not offer guarantees of positive outcome.  Pray for peace and certainty in the decisions they make.
3.  Pray for Alayna and Oriana.  In different ways, they are both under stress at this time.  Ask God to assure both of them of the love of their parents and give them peace.
4.  Pray for God to provide financially, emotionally and spiritually for every single need in the days ahead.
5.  Pray for Dr. Orchard who will be evaluating Adam.  Ask God to give him wisdom about Adam's case.
6.  Pray for Adam's entire family as they love him so very much.  Ask God to give them peace and hope.  Ask God to increase their faith and draw them all closer to Jesus than they were a minute ago.  Then the next minute, as Him to increase their faith again.  Make them all aware of God's presence every single moment.  Ask God to let them see His hands at work.


1.  God has been, is, and will continue to be sufficient!
2.  Adam had THE BEST Birthday Party possible.  Donations from friends, strangers, businesses and family made the day all he could have dreamed.
3.  Adam was able to meet several of the Astro players thanks to the generous hearts of the JR Towles family.  Be sure and ask him what he saw in the locker room!  :-)
4.  Newport Elementary Rocks!  Teachers and classmates are going above and beyond to bless Adam and his family. 
5.  God has been, is, and will continue to be sufficient!

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