Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Prayers for tomorrow's doctor appointment

We will see Dr.Lotze tomorrow at 12:45 pm. He is Adam's neurologist and I am praying that we have the test results! I have so many emotions going thru me right now but thru the graces of God I know that I will be ok! I am blessed to have my husband Rollo in my life as well as my children....I couldnt have asked God for a better man! He has been patient, caring, compassionate, loving and above all has been my crutch and is taking time from work to be with me at doctor appointments. Please pray for us tomorrow as we go to this appoinment for peace, strength, and understanding! One day at a time! Love all of you for following us and all your prayers! I will update everyone tomorrow! Good Night and God Bless! ~Amber


  1. ill be praying.... love yall

  2. Jamie Walllace-DonahueMay 12, 2011 at 8:33 AM

    Hey Amber We will be praying for Great news for Adam, Tell him Sabrina says hi and she loves and misses him. We love him to. Please call me if you need me!
